I am here as your expert in everything from Pregnancy to Infant hood. Choose a package or customize one to your specific needs!

Check out our Packages

Birth Doula


A Birth Doula who helps during pregnancy, labor and after birth with emotional & physical support. This includes entire labor and delivery attendance, a 2 hour in depth prenatal visit to discuss your birth plan and help prepare you and an in person postpartum visit to check in on how you, baby and family are doing within that first week. We are, on call support whenever you need during this time.


Postpartum Doula


A Birth Doula who helps after birth or adoption with emotional & physical support. This can include in person visit before the arrival to discuss your needs and help you prepare & in home visits (2-4 hours each). We are there for all of your care needs and education on infant care and feeding.

Need sleep? Of course you do! Take a nap, we’ve got the house and kids.

Laundry overwhelming? You bet your ass it is!

Too tired to take the dogs for a walk?

Need help at your pediatrician appointments?

Help setting up the nursery?

We are there to help with it all.




A Certified Breastfeeding Counselor who helps during and after pregnancy, with your baby’s feeding needs. Yes this can include pumping/hand expressing, breastfeeding education and support and feeding evaluation. My specialty is supply, latch and trouble shooting for things like thrush and mastitis.


Hi its me Jessica Rae